1946 Born in Poland
1957 Made Aliya with family and lived 4 years in Kfar Shalem
1961 Moved to Kiryat Shalom ; went to ORT technical college
1967 Was drafted to IAF ; served as anti-aircraft missiles technician
1970 Married Judith ; started Engineering studies in TLV
1971 Moved to Holon ; Michael was born – father of Noa and Jonathan
1973 Spent 3 months in “Africa” – Fayid air base
1974 Got an engineering degree and later has been working for 40 years with IDF Signal Corps , Telrad , Tadiran , RAD and Elbit mainly in Reliability and Quality management
1976 Ziv was born – father of Tamar and Shachar
1983 Liana was born – expects to give birth in 12/18
1997 Moved to Raanana
2013 Retired from work