Cyclenix 3.02022-03-25T19:32:53+03:00

Next Ride:

Local Ride – Sat. Jan. 25 2024

This ride starts at 7:30am. 

MEETING PLACE: Our local rides will meet at 7:30am at the usual place in the car park opposite Yad L’Banim on Ahuza Street Ra’anana.

TIME: We will meet and start at 7:30am

Our local rides are approximately 30 km. However all riders, by their participation, are aware of, and by implication accept, that the ride may for whatever reason be longer than anticipated.

This ride is subject to whatever Home Front Command directives may be in force and applicable in the intended ride area at the intended start time.

Please visit the site before the ride to see if there are any update, and check your email as we will always post updates as they happen (editors note: I will always try to update as quickly as I can but email is always the best way to get immediate updates, so be sure that we have your email address. Email [email protected] if you need to be added to our list.)

Recent Ride Reports


Next Ride:

Local Ride – Sat. Jan. 25 2024

This ride starts at 7:30am. 

MEETING PLACE: Our local rides will meet at 7:30am at the usual place in the car park opposite Yad L’Banim on Ahuza […]

To All Cyclenix Memebers

An Important Message To all Cyclenix members Throughout the years that Cyclenix has been riding together, the group has always been organized by the same members. While most riders pitch up to enjoy the weekly ride, a lot of effort was put into each ride taking a lot of factors into consideration. From the weekly choices of [...]

Rider Profile


From time to time, fellow riders inquire about the Cyclenix site and its origins and current maintenance.

Some twenty years ago the site was started by South African Moshe Abramovitz and later upgraded by Jack Reardon also from South Africa. Both are former Cyclenix riders and founding members who unfortunately no longer ride. John and David contributed to the legal aspects of the site’s formation.

Over a decade ago after Jack stopped servicing the site, Martin Wolf, a fellow rider, took over and substantially upgraded the site also by improving the ride- photograph storage but regrettably Martin returned to road riding and we had to locate a new site manager. We were fortunate that another recently joined rider Joe Shulman willingly offer his talents to managing the site. At that time Joe was a regular rider and although younger than the now aging mob, fitted the group like a glove. A strong rider and with an infectious smile, he displayed both a great Canadian sense of humour and intelligence. Joe hailed from Canada and had made Aliya as had many of the riders at the time. Cyclenix was both an Absorption Centre and safe haven for Anglos in particular.

It was with sad regret to all of us that one Saturday, Joe announced that he had found a better substitute for riding, namely love, and would be moving to the UK to join his future wife. Joe added that he would happily continue to manage the site as in the age of modern communications, there would not be any change. Remote management was easy and all we had to do was send him content. The rest he would carry out, something that he has done every since. Several years ago, Joe offered to upgrade the site and to our delight modernized that site to a superb level.

We did inform Joe that at any time he is unable to manage the site we would understand but thus far we continue to enjoy his dedicated and professional help in maintain the site.

Several years ago, Joe visited Israel and we think it’s time he did so again.

The site unlike the Whatsapp group, is a public domain and another window to display Israel’s diversity. Joe is to be credited for enabling this window to remain open.

(Editor’s (Joe) note: I’ll be the first to apologize for not sending my bio in, but I not very good at talking about myself, so thank you Ted for the wonderful words, I couldn’t have done better myself, and didn’t really.. so, thanks. Yes I’m currently living in the West Midlands countryside in the UK about 20 minutes south west of Wolverhampton. Lovely farm land in a village, but the one thing I really miss is riding. I learned very quickly upon my arriving that it’s much more dangerous here, so I’ve opted for an exercise cycle these days. And after a knee replacement it’s been great. I do miss the warmth and sea air and hope to get back for a visit, but I couldn’t say when.. hopefully not to far away.)


ARRIVE ON TIME – Your time is no more important than anyone else’s. Check the night before for air in the tires and that all is in proper working order.

RIDE PACE – This usually determines itself depending upon who and how many are riding. A smaller group is almost always quicker, while larger rides tend to be more relaxed and chatty – accept this reality!

KEEPING UP – Try to keep up with the pace of the group – it makes for a more enjoyable ride for everyone. If there is consensus that the pace is too fast, tell the leader!

NOBODY GETS LOST – Make sure that there is someone behind you who sees your riding direction. If not, wait until someone sees you before you continue… that person behind you will do the same. If everyone in the group does this, nobody gets lost and the group does not have to stop as a whole. We need to have space between riders – it is acceptable that the group is spread out, as long as you have sight contact with the rider in front of you.

YIELD – YIELD – YIELD – Always keep to the right unless you are passing. If you want to pass, make sure they are aware of your intention. Never change “lanes” before making sure you are clear to do so – sudden moves with no warning can cause an accident.
If you have to dismount due to sand, mud, a technically difficult uphill, etc., pull off the path, so as not to impede the momentum of the riders behind you.
Always yield to pedestrians, hikers, horses (all are unpredictable!).
If a rider approaches from the opposite direction and there is no room to safely pass, be prepared to pull off the path and stop.
The rider going uphill ALWAYS has right of way.
Restricted Line of Sight? Slow down, increase your awareness and be ready to stop. If you are coming to a blind curve, ring your bell or yell “BEEP, BEEP”.

STAY TOGETHER –If you head up to the front of the ride or pulling away from the group always wait at the next junction for everyone to catch up. If you need to head back to the carpark, phone the leader, or at very least make sure you ask someone in the group to tell the leader.

TECHNICAL SECTIONS – Always wait until there is a safe distance between you and the rider in front before beginning a technical section. If you end up behind a slower rider don’t ride too close behind, it only increases the pressure on that rider and can cause an accident. Hang back and give both of you space to enjoy the trail until you can overtake safely.
On a section that you would prefer not to ride, walk well clear of the track.

BE PREPARED – Ride with spare inners and/or puncture kits, tools, pump and basic first aid kit. Always wear a helmet, sunglasses, sunscreen, have plenty of water and some snacks. Do NOT wear earphones when riding – hearing what is happening around you is important.


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