Ride Report – Sat. Oct. 20, 2018 – Local Ride – By Talia

A fresh and early start
for all the brave of heart;
Cyclists, geared and ready
upon their bicycles steady.

And off we set
Through fields decidedly wet,
Along the Nahal Ra’anana canal
encircling Basra and Tel Izhak in high morale.

Past Agam Udim and a new watery ditch
Gentle meanders via Nahal Poleg’s bamboo pathways
With nary a delay, we stopped for a snack and kibbitz
Onwards through Yakum Park, via some well inspected avocado groves
Finally heading back towards coffee at Landwer in our droves.

It should be noted, young John, managed to climb
An extra hill in his excitement to reach Landwer in record time!
He blamed another for his little navigation rumpus
I say in response: time for a compass?

Upon our arrival we did somehow chase away
A nearby table of genteel walkers
(Was it our smell that rid us of gawkers?)
So with swathes of space we were then spoilt with many sweet delights in honour of Anna’s birthday.

So many happy returns to Anna on your special day!
And please, next week would all Cyclnixers remember to include a tip when they pay!