Sat Oct 13 2018


Ride Report – Sat. Oct. 13, 2018 – Away Ride North – Eli Sat’s Gadot Ride –  By Michal

The rooms were all booked, weekend plans with family or other Cyclenix members were made and we all headed up to the far north for our Cyclenix weekend up north led by Eli Set.

Friday afternoon was supposed to be an easygoing flat ride around the Dan Hatsbani area with amazing scenery. Thanks to global warming, weather in Israel is not as predictable as it used to be. Just a couple hours before the ride, the heavens decided to let all hell loose. Pouring rain, flooded streets and fields and hail! Yes bloody hail! I was in my car heading south after my morning ride when this happened.

Definitely not cycling conditions.

So the hard decision had to be made and the Friday afternoon ride was cancelled. A bit of a bummer but it definitely was the right decision.

So we all met at our meeting point in Gadot. We were 16 Cyclenixers since a few had to cancel their weekend plans with us for various reasons.

With a bit of a late start Eli introduced himself and we were on our way. The scenery was amazing and every so on, Eli stopped t

o give us geographical and historical explanations about the area we were in.  From Gadot we headed towards Machanayim and Ayelet Hashachar, random walkers and runners all seemed to recognize Eli and all greeted him. I guess besides being a brand name in the mountain biking community he is also somewhat of a celebrity in the area.

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